Export Translation - AJT

Why open communication and collaboration lead to better translation outcomes

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – Aristotle’s famous quote is as relevant and pertinent in the localisation industry as it is in any other field. When strategists, marketers and sales teams work together with their translation providers in a collaborative way, they tend to achieve better localisation results. Why? Because


Translation is to be understood in a foreign market, localisation is to belong

Translation or localisation? At a recent workshop organised by the Department of International Trade (DIT), we noticed a real shift from talking about ‘translation’ to talking about ‘localisation’ services. So what’s the difference? Translation is actually just one part of localisation. While translation only deals with the language aspect, i.e. translating your website/app/marketing material etc, localisation


Focus on export: The 5 most common misconceptions and pain points around localisation

Exporting is a great way for businesses to grow and increase their sales. But not surprisingly, commercial success beyond one’s own country borders requires effort, investment and a clear strategy. Lack of forethought, lack of budget, and lack of understanding of what localisation means in the context of exporting into new markets can lead to spending


Deal or no deal: Five things UK businesses should be doing now to prepare for Brexit

Yesterday, I attended a brilliant Future Focus event organised by Unlocking Potential. The event was centred around how to deal with disruption and manage change in business. Brexit has already disrupted the UK business landscape and will undoubtedly continue to do so for years to come. To quote Katie Cavell, Cornwall’s representative in Brussels: “Unpicking forty years of economic


New German packaging law: What manufacturers need to know

Are you selling goods into Germany, either in shops or online? On the 1st January 2019, the new VerpackG packaging law came into force. Any sellers, including online retailers, who bring packaged products (including padding material) onto the German market and which end up as waste with the consumers, are subject to the VerpackG law. Even though