Creative Translation Translation - Page 3 of 4 - AJT

Creative writing for translators: Writing a marketing text to a brief

We’ve received some wonderful feedback from our translator colleagues about our blog on creative writing for translators,  so we thought we would publish this week’s task so you can join us and try it out for yourself! This week, we will focus on writing to a brief. What to do Find a hotel somewhere close-by and go in for


To be continued … creative writing exercises to nurture translation talent

Inspired by the concept of Feeding – a brilliant idea from the copywriting power house that is Stranger Collective – we recently introduced a ‘creative final hour’ in our office. Every Friday, we like to use the last hour in the office (or out of the office!) to actively broaden our horizons, research language-related topics, share our linguistic knowledge and get


Utterly butterly: My favourite 5 French idioms all about butter

The main rule of French cuisine is that everything tastes better when smothered in butter, absolutely everything! Do you know why the French (and myself included of course), actually eat escargots? This chewy piece of rubber merely serves as an excuse to fancily sip on tiny cups full of buttery extravagance. So, if butter can actually