Communication Translation - AJT

Understanding the limits of machine translation for multilingual marketing

It’s been hard recently to avoid the continued chatter around new and emerging AI technology in the marketing space. Ever since ChatGPT made its way into the professional domain last year, people have been turning to machine learning and artificial intelligence for everything from social media posts to creating award-winning art! So it’s understandable that


Why your business needs transcreation services

Long gone are the days when global brands needed to ‘just translate’ their marketing content. Today, customers expect content that personally appeals to them, and in response, brands need to strive to create messages that can really resonate and connect with their audience. If your company is eager to enter new European markets then it


Inclusive language: Differences between Germanic and Romance languages

For over a decade now, there has been an exponential increase in the public interest in how language and communication shape (or break down) prejudices and other forms of discrimination. After being taught for centuries that language is a neutral, abstract concept (“It’s just words, they don’t do any harm!”), we are now starting to


Localising for the German market: A case for gender-inclusive language

You may have noticed that the conversation around gender is shifting on a global scale. Gender-related aspects can be reflected in your products, your marketing, and even your processes in ways you’ve never imagined. Organisations willing to see the bigger picture and openly respond to this change can break new ground for customers and employees


Why open communication and collaboration lead to better translation outcomes

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – Aristotle’s famous quote is as relevant and pertinent in the localisation industry as it is in any other field. When strategists, marketers and sales teams work together with their translation providers in a collaborative way, they tend to achieve better localisation results. Why? Because


Translation is to be understood in a foreign market, localisation is to belong

Translation or localisation? At a recent workshop organised by the Department of International Trade (DIT), we noticed a real shift from talking about ‘translation’ to talking about ‘localisation’ services. So what’s the difference? Translation is actually just one part of localisation. While translation only deals with the language aspect, i.e. translating your website/app/marketing material etc, localisation